In my
opinion neither one is more important than the other. Both are two important
aspects needed in life, although cognitive intelligence may come into use more
on a daily basis than emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the
ability to conceive, control and evaluate emotions, with some believing it is
an inborn characteristic whilst others believing it can be strengthened and
learned. Cognitive intelligence is the logic aspect of life which involves the
brain functioning in regarding to reasoning, logical arguments, solving puzzles
and making sense of things. Cognitive intelligence is a very important day to
day necessity as without it normal everyday tasks would become impossible. But
take Joey Essex (I’m a Celebrity, Get me out of Here), recently admitted that
he couldn’t tell the time and didn’t know how to blow his nose. Does this make
him stupid? Some people are calling him an ‘ idiot’ and ‘a gobshite’. So no he
wouldn’t be the sharpest tool in the box but that didn’t stop him from becoming
the favourite to win ‘I’m a celeb’. Because what Joey can tell when someone is
upset and takes the time out to listen to them, he gets upset and can also
control his anger. I on the other hand don’t, and wish I did. Arguments are something people experience throughout life and here is where you have to hold
your ground. But with people getting upset and howling insults at people
nothing can get sorted. Being emotionally unintelligent can lead to failed
relationships both professionally and sociable. Being able to succeed at work
is great but to not know your partner is upset is not so great. In my opinion
there needs to be a happy medium between the two and wouldn’t consider either
one to be of more importance.
Reference List:
whats your E.Q [online] available at:
[accessed on the 11th of December 2013].
· Whats your E.Q? [online] available at:
[ Accessed on the 11th of December 2013].
D. 2013. Communications and the Learning Environment. ITB.